SpiceBoy’s 2010 in review

The stats helper monkeys at WordPress.com mulled over how my blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Fresher than ever.

(Whatever the hell that means.)

Crunching the numbers

Featured image

A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. My blog was viewed about 1,600 times in 2010. That’s about 4 full 747s.


In 2010, there were 21 new posts, not bad for the first year! There were 214 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 134mb. That’s about 4 pictures per week.

The busiest day of the year was November 6th with 83 views. The most popular post that day was Vittles. (That was my post about camping).

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were facebook.com, healthfitnesstherapy.com, michael-jackson-secret-exposed.xpac.info, statistics.bestproceed.com, and en.wordpress.com.

(Michael Jackson secret exposed? What the hell is that about?)

Some visitors came searching, mostly for trader joe’s sweet chili sauce, dc spice boy, inas crunchy noodle, melting ice cream cone, and pho 75.

(Ina’s crunchy noodle? Huh?)


Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.


Vittles November 2010
1 comment


SpiceBoy’s Take 5 July 2010


About SpiceBoy June 2010


Strip Mall Saigon July 2010


The Perfect Taco August 2010




Pretty cool for my first year of blogging. Check back soon for more fun stuff from SpiceBoy, including fun holiday recipes and more! See you soon.